Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary (employee-paid) benefits allow businesses to offer insurance coverage to their employees at lower, group rates. In a competitive marketplace, such benefits can help businesses attract and retain employees, without affecting the company’s bottom line.

Accident Insurance

Injuries affect millions of Americans every year. They can happen any time, to any one – no matter how careful someone is. The costs related to recovery can add up.

Sun Life’s Accident insurance plans help employees manage such costs.

Critical Illness and Cancer Plans*

When an employee is diagnosed with a critical illness, it can lead to new, unexpected bills (like out-of-pocket medical expenses and getting help in the home) and reduced income if treatment requires the employee to reduce hours or stop working.

Find out more about our Critical Illness and Cancer Plans.

*Note regarding Employees Covered or Considering Coverage under Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Established in Connection with High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP):

Based on the limited available regulatory guidance, Sun Life believes its "Critical Illness Insurance," "Critical Illness and Cancer Insurance," and "Critical Illness, Cancer-Only Insurance" (Cancer Insurance) are appropriate for use with an HSA and may be purchased when employees and/or their family members are covered under an HDHP. However, Sun Life cannot provide legal or tax advice. If there are legal or tax questions, we suggest that employees consult their own legal or tax advisor before purchasing this insurance.


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