Universal life insurance

Effective December 30, 2011, this product and/or living benefit rider will no longer be available for sale

Sun Executive UL

Do you want to protect your business from the loss of a key executive or provide attractive executive benefit plans? If so, you’ll want to explore how this one life insurance solution can meet the needs of many business associates, including:

  • the CEO who needs help recruiting, rewarding and retaining executive talent;
  • the CFO who expects solutions that have a minimal impact on the company’s bottom line; AND
  • the key business executive who expects attractive benefits.

What needs we address

Sun Executive UL is ideal for small to medium sized businesses that are looking to:

  • Provide coverage from 1-99 lives
  • Offer deferred compensation plans to key employees
  • Fund buy-sell agreements
  • Provide supplemental retirement benefits for business owners and their key employee

What advantages we offer

  • Flexible underwriting options including guaranteed and simplified issued options based on the number of lives insured
  • High cash accumulation potential in the early years of the policy
  • No surrender charges so the assets booked can offset the plan liability when funding is maximized
  • Loan lapse protection that can help keep the policy in force, even if there are significant loans against the policy’s value*

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